Home Foundation Repair Tips from Pro-Tech Foundation
Home foundation problems are of serious concern. However, these problems can be fixed with home foundation repair solutions. There are several major types of foundation damage. The damage can either cause, or be caused by another problem, often a plumbing one, but occasionally an exterior drainage one. Most foundation repairs or retro fittings should be done by professional contractors who specialize in that part of home repair. Some can be fixed by a conscientious do-it-yourselfer, but research is required.
Drainage problems or burst water pipes can cause a subduction of soil supporting a section of the foundation. Where the heavy base, either concrete, filled cinderblock wall, or other is not supported, gravity will pull it down creating cracks and fissures. Typically this kind of damage can only be repaired by a crew of well equipped and trained professionals in foundation repair. First the initiating cause has to identified, located and resolved. Then it may be possible for the subducted section of the foundation to be jacked up or otherwise raised, then a further support structure can be placed to hold the load. Finally the cracked damage can be repaired. As indicated this type of repair can only be done conditionally, depending on several factors that need to be assessed, again by trained and equipped professionals. There is at least two other unmentioned causes for this type of damage. If the ground under the foundation prior to construction has been filled without properly compacting the fill and allowing it to settle, the ground may compact and settle on it’s own under the weight of the house, and the filled area will no longer be supporting it’s section of the load. Another scenario that affects foundation movement is drought and heavy rain that can cause shrinking or expanding soil that causes the foundation to fail.
Some house foundations are only a wall forming the perimeter of the exterior of the house. Strategic pylon supports are placed under the main body of the house at regularly spaced positions in order to spread the load appropriately. This tends to be a design in domiciles constructed up until about 1925 . If this type of house is built in an earthquake prone zone, the pylons can shift and get out alignment for performing their structural function. Such a set up can be retrofitted with galvanized steel straps, securing the pylons to the floor joists, and making the domicile more earth quake resistant.
A final, far more common home foundation repair need is the delamination, or flaking of foundation material from the external surface after time. As the foundation is surrounded by ground, and that ground has a moisture content, water can be wicked up the surface, or be slightly absorbed by foundation material. Then it can dry out. This repeated cycle can cause the aforementioned flaking and pitting. The repair for this can be accomplished by a painting professional, or the home owner, if it is not too egregious. Removing the offending loose material, replacing it (if desired) with a water cured compound designed for the job, and then the use of a petroleum based water beading product, like a water-stop sealant, will be all that’s required for repair and preparation for a final paint surfacing.